In a recent crackdown on reckless behaviour, officials from the Azad Maidan Police Station arrested an individual from Chembur who was involved in performing dangerous stunts at various locations across Mumbai. The man, along with his friends, recorded these high-risk acts and posted the videos on social media. The Mumbai police shared a video of the incident on their social media, which has garnered multiple views. Mumbai police urge individuals to avoid such dangerous acts and remind the public that there are no "stunt doubles" for real-life consequences. The arrested individual faces charges of endangering public safety, and further investigations are ongoing to address similar incidents. CSMT Bomb Threat: Man Makes Threatening Call About RDX Being Placed at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus in Mumbai, Turns Out Hoax; Police Launch Hunt for Caller.

Chembur Man Arrested for Risky Acts Posted Online



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