World Malaria Day 2020: FAQs About Anopheles Genus or Marsh Mosquitoes That Are Responsible for Spreading the Vector-Borne Disease

Malaria is a life-threatening disease that is spread by mosquitos that become infected with the disease after biting a malaria-infected person. But which type of mosquito causes the disease and what all do you have to keep in mind? Know more about Anopheles Genus or Marsh Mosquitoes that are responsible for spreading the vector-borne disease.

Health & Wellness Shaloo Tiwari|
World Malaria Day 2020: FAQs About Anopheles Genus or Marsh Mosquitoes That Are Responsible for Spreading the Vector-Borne Disease
World Malaria Day (Photo Credits: File Image)

Every year World Mosquito Day is observed on April 25 to spread awareness about the vector-borne disease. Although, there has been seen a decrease in number malaria-related deaths by 40 percent between 2000 and 2014 from an estimated 743 000 to 446 000, the global burden of the disease still exists.  With the aim to bring this number to zero, WHO works in partnership with various organisation to end the vector-borne disease. This years theme for World Malaria Day is "Zero malaria starts with me".

This grassroots campaign that aims to keep malaria high on all agendas to make malaria prevention and care more accessible to people. To spread awareness about the disease it is important to know more about it. Malaria is a life-threatening disease that is spread by mosquitos that become infected with the disease after biting a malaria-infected person. The mosquito then bites a non-infected person and the causes the parasites to enter that their bloodstream and travel to the liver. But which type of mosquito causes the disease and what all do you have to keep in mind? Know more about Anopheles Genus or Marsh Mosquitoes that are responsible for spreading the vector-borne disease.

Do all Mosquitoes Transmit Malaria?

No. Only certain types of mosquitoes of the anopheles genus can transmit malaria. Also, only the females of these species do so. The one-celled parasite called Plasmodium causes malaria and female Anopheles mosquitoes pick these parasites from infected people and can transmit it to a healthy person.

How Many Mosquito Bites Can Cause Malaria?

Transmission of malaria can happen in one bit. Malaria is often transmitted via the bites of female Anopheles mosquitoes that have about 400 different species.

How Long Does Malaria-Causing Mosquito Live?

It is said that female Anopheles mosquito acts as a malaria vector at its adult stage and that can last up to a month maximum.

Is One Mosquito Bite Enough For Malaria?

A single mosquito bite is often enough to cause malaria.

Malaria is a serious life-threatening disease that can be spread by mosquitoes. However, it can also be easily prevented by keeping your environment mosquito-free. Malaria if not diagnosed and treated promptly, can be fatal.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 25, 2020 11:00 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

Shaloo Tiwari|
World Malaria Day 2020: FAQs About Anopheles Genus or Marsh Mosquitoes That Are Responsible for Spreading the Vector-Borne Disease
World Malaria Day (Photo Credits: File Image)

Every year World Mosquito Day is observed on April 25 to spread awareness about the vector-borne disease. Although, there has been seen a decrease in number malaria-related deaths by 40 percent between 2000 and 2014 from an estimated 743 000 to 446 000, the global burden of the disease still exists.  With the aim to bring this number to zero, WHO works in partnership with various organisation to end the vector-borne disease. This years theme for World Malaria Day is "Zero malaria starts with me".

This grassroots campaign that aims to keep malaria high on all agendas to make malaria prevention and care more accessible to people. To spread awareness about the disease it is important to know more about it. Malaria is a life-threatening disease that is spread by mosquitos that become infected with the disease after biting a malaria-infected person. The mosquito then bites a non-infected person and the causes the parasites to enter that their bloodstream and travel to the liver. But which type of mosquito causes the disease and what all do you have to keep in mind? Know more about Anopheles Genus or Marsh Mosquitoes that are responsible for spreading the vector-borne disease.

Do all Mosquitoes Transmit Malaria?

No. Only certain types of mosquitoes of the anopheles genus can transmit malaria. Also, only the females of these species do so. The one-celled parasite called Plasmodium causes malaria and female Anopheles mosquitoes pick these parasites from infected people and can transmit it to a healthy person.

How Many Mosquito Bites Can Cause Malaria?

Transmission of malaria can happen in one bit. Malaria is often transmitted via the bites of female Anopheles mosquitoes that have about 400 different species.

How Long Does Malaria-Causing Mosquito Live?

It is said that female Anopheles mosquito acts as a malaria vector at its adult stage and that can last up to a month maximum.

Is One Mosquito Bite Enough For Malaria?

A single mosquito bite is often enough to cause malaria.

Malaria is a serious life-threatening disease that can be spread by mosquitoes. However, it can also be easily prevented by keeping your environment mosquito-free. Malaria if not diagnosed and treated promptly, can be fatal.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 25, 2020 11:00 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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