Maharashtra, May 29: The Nagpur bench of Bombay High Court on Friday extended the parole of convicted gangster Arun Gawli for five more days. According to an ANI update, last week, Gawli had appeared before Taloja prison in Navi Mumbai to surrender but the jail authorities refused his entry in view of the coronavirus pandemic.

The Bombay High Court has directed Gawli to get a travel permit from the police to surrender before Nagpur Central Jail. Arun Gawli's Daughter Yogita Gets Married To Marathi Actor Akshay Waghmare Amid COVID-19 Lockdown.

Amid the lockdown, Gawli's second daughter Yogita recently got married to Marathi actor, Akshay Waghmare. The wedding took place at Dagdi Chawl in Saat Rasta area of Mahalaxmi, in a very hush-hush manner. It was an intimate wedding amid the coronavirus lockdown restrictions. The wedding was attended by not many guests as well, while all the Gawli family members were, from the groom's side, only his parents graced the wedding.

Parole of Arun Gawli Extended by 5 More Days:

Gawli was convicted for the murder of Shiv Sena MLA Kamalakar Jamsandekar in 2008, and awarded life imprisonment by a sessions court in Mumbai. Gawli was popularly called as Daddy in Dagdi Chawl in Byculla, he had joined politics and floated his own party named the Akhil Bharatiya Sena.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 29, 2020 02:05 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website