Steamy sex scenes, undeniable chemistry, fast-paced races, underground boxing matches, teenage romance and some questionable family equations - that is what the Spanish movie Culpa Mia (My Fault) has to offer. A movie that has gone viral across social media as fans sing praises of the undeniable and steaming chemistry between the lead pair Gabriel Guevara (playing Nick Leister) and Nicole Wallace (Playing Noah). With hundreds of hot videos of Gabriel and Nicole from their behind-the-scenes chemistry and stills from the movie itself, there is little doubt that Culpa Mia (My Fault) has swooned fans, especially from the younger generation - who is their core audience. But what is the movie about? 'War' in My Fault aka Culpa Mia: Hrithik Roshan and Tiger Shroff's Action Scene Shown in Popular Spanish Film on Prime! (Watch Video)

Well, would you watch a love story between two people who are forced to live together - each filled with their own childhood trauma and darkness - navigating through teenage and early adulthood - finding a weird unstoppable chemistry and attraction drawing them together? There is just one simple reason for them to be apart - they are step-siblings. That is the summary of the romance in Culpa Mia (My Fault). And while the relationship itself raises far too many questions, the lead pair’s chemistry - well, have a look.

There's a Strong Connection From the First "Meet Cute"


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A Lot of People Wished They Could Forget the Pair Is Supposed To Be Brother and Sister

Bookstagram in Particular Cannot Stop Raving About the Pair


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They Draw Each Other Even When They Are Apart

How Does One Deny This Chemistry?

brother - sister Brother - Sister BROTHER - SISTER


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Scandalous Enough

Best Chemistry of 2023


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Culpa Mia - Official Trailer

My Fault is based on the Wattpad story of the same name, written by Mercedes Ron. The movie was released on OTT just a week ago and has been the talk of the town ever since. Directed by Domingo González in his directorial feature-length debut, My Fault follows the first part of the book, which was later expanded into a trilogy published by Penguin Random House. Knowing this, fans are quite eager to understand if there will be a part 2 & part 3 to the movie and when they can expect it.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 18, 2023 02:38 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website