Thiruvananthapuram, May 14: In a tragic incident, a mother-daughter duo in the Kerala capital set themselves on fire after defaulting on home loan. One among them has died while the other is reeling under critical burn injuries. The Thiruvananthapuram has taken cognizance of the case and initiated preliminary probe.

The incident was reported on Tuesday, when a 40-year-old woman, along with her 19-year-old daughter, attempted suicide by setting themselves ablaze. Their move was reportedly triggered by a house seizure notice issued by a bank after they defaulted on their home loan. Failed to Clear JEE Mains 2019 Exam, Hyderabad Student Commits Suicide

While the daughter has succumbed to her injuries, the team of doctors are attempting to save the mother's life.

According to report, the family had availed a loan of Rs 5 lakh in 2003. Over the years, they had paid back Rs 8 lakh in installments, but recurring interests and late-payment charges were continued to be levied on them.

They finally defaulted on a pending amount of Rs 4,80,000, which compelled the bank to issue an eviction notice. The lender would had then auctioned the house to recover their dues.

Fearing that they would be rendered homeless, the mother burnt herself along with the daughter. The incident has sparked an outrage, with locals demanding action against the bank officials for their alleged insensitivity and "exorbitant interest rates".

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 14, 2019 07:09 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website