Bengaluru, July 11: With the chaos in Karnataka Assembly shaking the political arena of the state, Speaker KR Ramesh on Thursday said to the media that he had scrutinised all the resignation letters submitted to him and found that eight of them weren't in prescribed format. He also expressed his sadness over the way media 'allegedly' hyped the story and compared it with an earthquake.

Speaking to the media on Thursday, Kumar said, "On Monday, scrutinised resignations based on rule 202, Karnataka Assembly Rules and Procedures. Eight letters weren't in prescribed format. In case of the rest, I'm obliged to look if resignations are voluntary and genuine. Won't speak about voluntary and genuine nature of resignations." Karnataka Crisis: Supreme Court Directs 10 Rebel MLAs to Appear Before Speaker This Evening

The Speaker also informed that the Supreme Court has asked him to take a decision and he has videographed everything, which he will send to the apex court. Adding more he said, "I need to examine these resignations (of rebel MLAs) all night and ascertain if they are genuine."

Speaking about threat given to MLAs, Kumar said, "They (rebel MLAs) told me that some people had threatened them and they went to Mumbai in fear. But I told them that they should've approached me and I would've given them protection. Only 3 working days have elapsed but they behaved like an earthquake occurred."

Also, she showed his sadness over the way media portrayed him in last couple of days for delay in taking decision to end the political crisis in Karnataka. He said, "I felt hurt when I saw some news that I am delaying the process. Governor informed me on 6th. I was in office till then and later I left for personal work. Before that no MLAs informed that they were coming to meet me." Karnataka Crisis: Political Turmoil Deepens As JDS-Congress Coalition Close to Losing Majority, BJP Seeks Governor's Intervention

It is to be known that around 15 lawmakers from the JDS-Congress government tendered their resignations to the Speaker and following this, Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy's government was on the verge to fall. As per the statistics, Congress and the JDS together have 118 members along with one BSP and one Independent member.

The magic number is 113, excluding the Speaker who casts his vote only in the event of a tie. If the 15 resignations are accepted, it will bring the coalition's numbers down to 103 and the majority mark in the assembly from 113 to 106. The BJP, which has 105 legislators, reportedly wants to reduce the total strength of the assembly to 207 in order to claim a simple majority in the House.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 11, 2019 07:58 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website