Actor Emma Watson, who rose to fame by playing Hermione Granger in the popular Harry Potter franchise, has been recently making headlines after it was reported that the star has retired from acting. However, it seems like the rumour mills have got it all wrong. As per Entertainment Weekly, the actor's manager cleared the air, putting an end to all such reports doing the rounds. Her manager, Emma Watson, Harry Potter Actress, Is Not Retiring From Acting To Settle With Beau Leo Robinton, Clarifies Her Manager.

Jason Weinberg, denied the rumours, telling the publication in a statement, "Emma's social media accounts are dormant but her career isn't."

The 30-year-old star's Instagram account bio currently reads, "Emma's official Instagram page is currently dormant and is not being updated," while her profile picture is a simple black icon. Harry Potter Actress Emma Watson Takes a Stand Against JK Rowling’s Transphobic Tweets.

The actor had started trending on Thursday after an online report by a leading outlet alleged that Watson had retired from acting, leaving her fans distressed.

The news hurt Watson's fans who took to social media to remember her work. One fan claimed that her career didn't get enough appreciation while another wrote, "She is one of my favs but it's okay as long as she's happy with her decision."

"Emma Watson retiring is something very personal to me. No, I will not be getting over this," tweeted another fan. Watson was last seen in Greta Gerwig's 2019 film 'Little Women' opposite Saorise Ronan, Florence Pugh, Timothee Chalamet, Laura Dern, and Meryl Streep. She also acted in the 2017 thriller drama 'The Circle' and 'Beauty and the Beast', which released in the same year.

In November last year, she made a rare public outing with her boyfriend Leo Robinton in London while grabbing coffee and walking around the city's Primrose Hill neighbourhood. Their outing came over a year after the two were first spotted together in October 2019. Watson's beau Robinton was first identified in April of this year and is a businessman from Los Angeles, though little else is known about him.

He reportedly deleted all of his social media after photos of the two sharing a kiss surfaced last year. The couple has rarely been seen together since, though they appear to be going strong based on the recent outing.