Rang De Basanti Clocks 17 Years: Siddharth Shares a Picture of the Film, Says ‘Proud to Have Been a Small Part of That Awakening’ (View Post)

There were several reasons why Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra's flick Rang De Basanti worked back then and is still among the most celebrated films of Bollywood. Credits also go to film's soulful songs apart from the strong storyline and stars' commendable acting for making the film a blockbuster.

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Rang De Basanti Clocks 17 Years: Siddharth Shares a Picture of the Film, Says ‘Proud to Have Been a Small Part of That Awakening’ (View Post)
Rang De Basanti, Siddharth (Photo Credits: Instagram)

Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra's patriotic drama Rang De Basanti completed 17 years on Thursday. Rang De Basanti, which stars Aamir Khan, Siddharth, R Madhavan, Sharman Joshi, Soha Ali Khan and Kunal Kapoor, literally enlightened young minds in a way that made them redefine patriotism. The film revolves around a young filmmaker who hires college students to play freedom fighters in the film. However, after realising the rot in the government, the students became fierce patriots and take necessary steps to set things right. Actor Siddharth Pens an Apology Note for Saina Nehwal After Facing Severe Backlash for His Sexist Tweet, Says 'You Will Always Be My Champion'.

As the film turned 17, Siddharth penned a note filled with nostalgia. He wrote: "17 years ago today...India woke up to a film and to revolution.Proud to have been a small part of that awakening. Rang De Basanti may never be made again. The people who made it may never feel what they did then or act on it, again. Happy Republic Day.Fight for your freedom...your truth.Fight the good fight. Always." Siddharth Wishes His ’Princess of Heart’ Aditi Rao Hydari on Her Birthday with a Heartfelt Pic.

Fans also celebrated the 17 years of the iconic film. "It's not a movie...it's an emotion," a social media user wrote. "Seriously such a good storyline, it still holds up and helped me find you," another user wrote.

Check The Post Which Siddharth Shared On His Instagram Handle:


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A post shared by Siddharth (@worldofsiddharth)

There were several reasons why Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra's flick Rang De Basanti worked back then and is still among the most celebrated films of Bollywood. Credits also go to film's soulful songs apart from the strong storyline and stars' commendable acting for making the film a blockbuster.

Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra's patriotic drama Rang De Basanti completed 17 years on Thursday. Rang De Basanti, which stars Aamir Khan, Siddharth, R Madhavan, Sharman Joshi, Soha Ali Khan and Kunal Kapoor, literally enlightened young minds in a way that made them redefine patriotism. The film revolves around a young filmmaker who hires college students to play freedom fighters in the film. However, after realising the rot in the government, the students became fierce patriots and take necessary steps to set things right. Actor Siddharth Pens an Apology Note for Saina Nehwal After Facing Severe Backlash for His Sexist Tweet, Says 'You Will Always Be My Champion'.

As the film turned 17, Siddharth penned a note filled with nostalgia. He wrote: "17 years ago today...India woke up to a film and to revolution.Proud to have been a small part of that awakening. Rang De Basanti may never be made again. The people who made it may never feel what they did then or act on it, again. Happy Republic Day.Fight for your freedom...your truth.Fight the good fight. Always." Siddharth Wishes His ’Princess of Heart’ Aditi Rao Hydari on Her Birthday with a Heartfelt Pic.

Fans also celebrated the 17 years of the iconic film. "It's not a movie...it's an emotion," a social media user wrote. "Seriously such a good storyline, it still holds up and helped me find you," another user wrote.

Check The Post Which Siddharth Shared On His Instagram Handle:


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A post shared by Siddharth (@worldofsiddharth)

There were several reasons why Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra's flick Rang De Basanti worked back then and is still among the most celebrated films of Bollywood. Credits also go to film's soulful songs apart from the strong storyline and stars' commendable acting for making the film a blockbuster.

‘Loveyapa’ Trailer Launch Event: Aamir Khan Wishes Son Junaid Khan for His Upcoming Film Co-Starring Khushi Kapoor, Says ‘I Am Very Proud and Happy’

‘Loveyapa’ Trailer Launch Event: Aamir Khan Wishes Son Junaid Khan for His Upcoming Film Co-Starring Khushi Kapoor, Says ‘I Am Very Proud and025/01/74-186-380x214.jpg" src="" alt="‘Maine Ye Buri Aadat Chhod Di Hai’: Aamir Khan Reveals He Has Quit Smoking as ‘Mannat’ for Son Junaid Khan’s Film ‘Loveyapa’ (Watch Video)">

‘Maine Ye Buri Aadat Chhod Di Hai’: Aamir Khan Reveals He Has Quit Smoking as ‘Mannat’ for Son Junaid Khan’s Film ‘Loveyapa’ (Watch Video)

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