Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Mar 3 (ANI): The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) president Sourav Ganguly on Tuesday confirmed that new selection panel will pick the squad for the upcoming ODI series against South Africa. India are scheduled to host South Africa for a three-match ODI series, starting from March 12. Ganguly also stated that the Cricket Advisory Committee (CAC) will conduct interviews tomorrow to fill the posts of two national selectors."The interviews will be conducted tomorrow," Ganguly told ANI.A meeting of the newly-appointed three CAC members was conducted today at the BCCI headquarters. Ganguly, BCCI Secretary Jay Shah and Indian Premier League's (IPL) chairman Brijesh Patel were also present during the meeting.The three-member CAC was appointed on January 31, comprising of former India cricketers Madan Lal, RP Singh, and Sulakshana Naik.BCCI is looking for replacements of outgoing chief selectors MSK Prasad and Gagan Khoda. The cricket governing body had invited the applications for selectors post on January 18.The eligibility criteria for senior men selectors is that candidates applying for the post should have played at least 7 Test matches or 30 first-class matches or 10 ODIs and 20 first-class matches. (ANI)

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