Krishnanagar (WB), Feb 5 (PTI) West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday directed the principal secretary, information technology and electronics, department to look into the scope of attracting the youth for the proposed silicon valley in Kolkata.

"There is a silicon valley being built in Kolkata. See into the option of using potential youth here since there is a congestion and saturation in the IT sector in Bengaluru," Banerjee directed Principal Secretary Rajeev Kumar.

Kumar, who is known for having cordial relations with the chief minister, spoke about his plans and said, "There are three IT parks being developed in the state. Two are in Kalyani and one Krishnanagar. We are trying to develop them quickly.

Banerjee had in December named Kumar, a 1989-batch IPS officer whom the Calcutta High Court had granted anticipatory bail on October 1 in connection with the Saradha chit fund scam, as the principal secretary of the information technology and electronics (IT and E) department.

Banerjee last year had observed a three-day-long demonstration in protest over the CBI's bid to question Kumar in connection with the Saradha chit fund scam.

She called off her protest after the Supreme Court forbid the CBI from taking coercive action against Kumar.

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