Telugu Power Star Pawan Kalyan is gearing up for his upcoming movie Bheemla Nayak. As the movie is mostly wrapped up, Pawan would be shooting for his forthcoming movies in the coming months. His upcoming movie titled 'Bhavadeeyudu Bhagat Singh' marks Harish Shankar's second-time collaboration with Pawan Kalyan after their blockbuster hit 'Gabbar Singh' (2012 Telugu remake of Salman Khan's 'Dabangg'). Ram Charan–Jr NTR’s RRR, Prabhas’ Radhe Shyam, Pawan Kalyan’s Bheemla Nayak To CLASH in January 2022; Which Film Will Be The Biggest Hit At The Box Office?

While there are reports about the makers' ambiguity related to 'Bhavadeeyudu Bhagat Singh', other sources suggest that the movie is to get on the floors soon. "Being one of the most awaited combos, we are trying to bring in the best ones for 'Bhavadeeyudu Bhagat Singh'", one of the sources said. Confirmed! Bheemla Nayak, Pawan Kalyan And Rana Daggubati Starrer, To Release In Theatres On January 12, 2022.

Now that there are reports on the movie's upcoming shooting schedules, 'Bhavadeeyudu Bhagat Singh' will probably go on the floors soon. Pawan Kalyan is currently working on his movie 'Hari Hara Veera Mallu' under Krish's direction. As soon as he wraps up 'Bheemla Nayak' and 'Hari Hara Veera Mallu', Harish Shankar and the team would prep up for their venture. The sources close to the makers revealed that the makers of 'Bhavadeeyudu Bhagat Singh' are eyeing Dussehra 2022 for release.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 16, 2021 04:54 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website