Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb is making a habit of being in news for all the wrong comments. A few days after claiming that internet existed during Mahabharata days and other outlandish comments, the Tripura CM has done it done. This time the topic of his discourse is beauty. According to the young chief minister, Indian beauty is the beauty that resembles Goddess Laxmi and Saraswati. But going a step further he said that “Diana Hayden was totally unworthy to be a Miss World.” The chief minister added that “it was a part of pre-fixed plan of International market to attack upon Indian local products.” Biplab Kumar in a bizarre claim added that it was because of “pre-fixed” plan that “whoever was going for Miss World Competiti="PopupCenter(this.href,'Diana Hayden not Worthy of Miss World Title! Lacks Characteristics of Lakshmi and Saraswati which Aishwarya Rai Has: Biplab Deb via latestly',560,360,'issocial','');return false" href="" title="Share on Facebook">
Diana Hayden not Worthy of Miss World Title! Lacks Characteristics of Lakshmi and Saraswati which Aishwarya Rai Has: Biplab Deb
Prime Minister Narendra Modi had recently instructed all party law makers and legislators to refrain from giving "Masala to the Media." Seems his advice is going unheard in the party, especially by Tripura CM Biplab Kumar Deb.
Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb is making a habit of being in news for all the wrong comments. A few days after claiming that internet existed during Mahabharata days and other outlandish comments, the Tripura CM has done it done. This time the topic of his discourse is beauty. According to the young chief minister, Indian beauty is the beauty that resembles Goddess Laxmi and Saraswati. But going a step further he said that “Diana Hayden was totally unworthy to be a Miss World.” The chief minister added that “it was a part of pre-fixed plan of International market to attack upon Indian local products.” Biplab Kumar in a bizarre claim added that it was because of “pre-fixed” plan that “whoever was going for Miss World Competition from India won”.
He expressed surprise saying that “constantly 5 times Miss World from a single country like India…can you imagine? Anybody (who) participated (in) such competitions they were winning Miss World Trophy, including Diana Hayden.” He went on to question Diana Hayden’s lack of “Indian” looks and elaborated it by saying “How can Diana Hayden become a Miss World by representing Indian Culture?” Not stopping at that, he also mentioned Aishwarya Rai in his speech by claiming that “Aishwarya Rai is okay as she somewhere can represent Indian beauty. Real Indian beauty should be like Laxmi, Saraswati, but in Diana Hayden I can’t find any of them”, said the Tripura CM in what seemed to be his prescription and description of Indian beauty.
He also said that "the Paris based international markets are actually based on Mafia-raj. They let the people to walk on ramp, whereas everything is fixed, who is going to win the award," he continued in his tirade.
The Tripura CM has quite a history when it comes to making comments. He had sparked outrage and become a laughing stock when he claimed that it was not the US that invented the internet but the Mahabharata people. Then he claimed that Amazon river is in Africa and now this fresh salvo. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had recently instructed all party law makers and legislators to refrain from giving "Masala to the Media." Seems his advice is going unheard in the party.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 26, 2018 08:47 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website
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