Bollywood's beloved action hero, Sunny Deol, has added another feather to his cap. The actor has entered politics and has even won a seat as the Lok Sabha Elections 2019 results came out today. Sunny was contesting the elections for the BJP and won the seat in the Gorakhpur constituency. This is certainly a moment to celebrate and there is no better way than to dance it out. And, boy, if one thing Sunny is popular for it is his dancing skills. He embodies the awkwardness and shyness of every person who is forced to dance ever. 2019 Lok Sabha Elections: Sunny Leone Trolls News Channel After It Mistakes Her For Sunny Deol! Watch Video.

So, we fished out the best dancing moments of Lok Sabha Election winner Sunny Deol. Because, as true fans, we only needed a new reason to watch him dancing. Here we go...

Just look at those thumkas!

Who did it better, Elli or Sunny?

The move that will make you a hit at any party (we mean dance parties).

Roll baby roll, rock and roll!


Beauty and brains

We salute you, Sunny! For all these awesome moments!


We'd love to see him wave like this at us again

You knew we were going to add this one! Didn't you?

Sunny Deol is love!

Sunny has impressed the fans as an actor for decades. We are now looking forward to seeing how he fares as a politician in the country. We hope he can bring about the same kind of positive change in the nation, that his characters from the films, Damini and Ghayal brought. All the best.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 23, 2019 07:14 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website