The second season of The Kapil Sharma Show, that aired its first episode on December 29 last year, had become the second most viewed television show in India within two weeks of its launch. Fans have been rejoicing and lauding Kapil ever since his stunning comeback on television. On the other hand, the comedian too has been entertaining the audience till they fall laughing from their seats. With that Kapil also made sure to top the rating charts and all seems to be well in Kapil's world. Unlike last season of The Kapil Sharma Show, this season, the comedian has been keeping himself away from all kinds of negative news. Well, now we hear that Kapil has been apparently instructed strictly to stay out of controversies. Kapil Sharma and His Pregnant Wife Ginni Chatrath Jet Off to Canada for Babymoon, Get Snapped at the Airport (View Pics)

Yes, you read that right. The second season of The Kapil Sharma Show is being produced by Salman Khan and according to a report in IWMBuzz, the actor has warned Kapil to maintain a decent image for himself. The entertainment web portal quoted a source close to the channel as saying, "The show is doing really well. It is getting good TRP now. Salman has strictly told Kapil not to do anything silly ever again. Of course, Kapil cannot afford to risk losing a producer like Salman." Sunil Grover Refuses to Promote Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif's Bharat on The Kapil Sharma Show!

Meanwhile, the comedian turned actor Kapil Sharma, who is seen as the host of the second season of The Kapil Sharma Show, is currently on a holiday with his wife Ginni Chatrath to spend some quality time with his pregnant wife. Yes, reportedly, Kapil is all set to embrace fatherhood and has jetted off to Canada with Ginni for a babymoon. The duo was snapped by the shutterbugs at Mumbai airport late on Wednesday (July 25) as they left for their much-needed break. Stay tuned to LatestLY for more updates on your favourite celebs.


(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 28, 2019 06:22 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website