Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee Felicitates West Bengal Football Team After Santosh Trophy 2024 Triumph (Watch Video)

The victory in the Santosh Trophy marks a monumental achievement for Bengal football, rekindling hopes for the revival of the sport in the state. Coming to the match, a goal in the final gasp winner from Robi Hansda was enough for West Bengal to lift the coveted Santosh Trophy after defeating Kerala by 1-0 in the final on Tuesday.

Agency News ANI|
Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee Felicitates West Bengal Football Team After Santosh Trophy 2024 Triumph (Watch Video)
The victorious West Bengal team with Mamata Banerjee (Photo: X/@ANI)

Mumbai, January 3: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday felicitated the Bengal football team for their historic triumph in the 2024 Santosh Trophy. In a grand ceremony held at Nabanna, the CM lauded the players and the team's coach, Sanjay Sen. During her address, the Chief Minister expressed her optimism about the potential of these players, emphasizing the need for proper guidance and nutrition to elevate their game to the highest level. Santosh Trophy 2024: Robi Hansda's Match-Winner Secures West Bengal's 1–0 Victory Over Kerala in Final.

"If these players are guided properly and provided with a proper diet, I am confident they can play in the World Cup someday," she remarked.

Mamata Banerjee Felicitates West Bengal Football Team

In a significant announcement, Mamata Banerjee pledged a financial package of Rs 50 lakh from the state government's sports department to the team as a token of appreciation for their achievement. She also revealed plans to ensure the players' financial security by urging the state's sports minister, Arup Biswas, to provide them with jobs in the sports department.

"This is not just a trophy; it symbolizes the pride of Bengal and the pride of our country. These young talents deserve our support and encouragement," she added.

The victory in the Santosh Trophy marks a monumental achievement for Bengal football, rekindling hopes for the revival of the sport in the state. Coming to the match, a goal in the final gasp winner from Robi Hansda was enough for West Bengal to lift the coveted Santosh Trophy after defeating Kerala by 1-0 in the final on Tuesday. Robi Hansda Scores Brace As West Bengal Beat Services 4–2 To Storm Into Santosh Trophy 2024 Final.

As West Bengal players kissed the trophy and rejoiced in jubilation, their victory marked their 33rd title win in the National Football Championship.

Hansda, a prolific striker, scored his 12th goal in the 78th edition of the tournament. His influential presence brought a dramatic change in the final.

After finding the back of the net, Hansda went wild, with euphoria taking over him and the entire team. After scoring the match winner, he took off his shirt to celebrate, which was immediately followed by a yellow card. Hansda left the Gachibowli Stadium with the Tulsidas Balaram Player of the Match award and the Peter Thangaraj Player of the Tournament Award.

With the stalemate unbroken and the final heading towards the added time, the title-deciding clash looked destined to be decided in extra time or penalty shootout but everything changed in a matter of seconds when Kerala's defence was caught completely off-guard when forward Manotos Maji headed the ball into the box. Hansda was stationed in the perfect position, just a few yards away from the goalkeeper Hajmal to settle the game. Santosh Trophy 2024: Kerala Register Emphatic 5–1 Win Over Manipur, Will Face West Bengal in Final.

Throughout the match, both teams resorted to a cautious approach and took their time to test each other's defence. Even though both teams dealt with caution, they tried to accelerate counterattacks at every possible opportunity. On a couple of occasions, a few eye-catching dribbles, fancy shots and low crosses were executed on the field, but they didn't carry the required tenacity to threaten a goal.

(This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body)

est+Bengal+Football+Team+After+Santosh+Trophy+2024+Triumph+%28Watch+Video%29',900, 600)">
Agency News ANI|
Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee Felicitates West Bengal Football Team After Santosh Trophy 2024 Triumph (Watch Video)
The victorious West Bengal team with Mamata Banerjee (Photo: X/@ANI)

Mumbai, January 3: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday felicitated the Bengal football team for their historic triumph in the 2024 Santosh Trophy. In a grand ceremony held at Nabanna, the CM lauded the players and the team's coach, Sanjay Sen. During her address, the Chief Minister expressed her optimism about the potential of these players, emphasizing the need for proper guidance and nutrition to elevate their game to the highest level. Santosh Trophy 2024: Robi Hansda's Match-Winner Secures West Bengal's 1–0 Victory Over Kerala in Final.

"If these players are guided properly and provided with a proper diet, I am confident they can play in the World Cup someday," she remarked.

Mamata Banerjee Felicitates West Bengal Football Team

In a significant announcement, Mamata Banerjee pledged a financial package of Rs 50 lakh from the state government's sports department to the team as a token of appreciation for their achievement. She also revealed plans to ensure the players' financial security by urging the state's sports minister, Arup Biswas, to provide them with jobs in the sports department.

"This is not just a trophy; it symbolizes the pride of Bengal and the pride of our country. These young talents deserve our support and encouragement," she added.

The victory in the Santosh Trophy marks a monumental achievement for Bengal football, rekindling hopes for the revival of the sport in the state. Coming to the match, a goal in the final gasp winner from Robi Hansda was enough for West Bengal to lift the coveted Santosh Trophy after defeating Kerala by 1-0 in the final on Tuesday. Robi Hansda Scores Brace As West Bengal Beat Services 4–2 To Storm Into Santosh Trophy 2024 Final.

As West Bengal players kissed the trophy and rejoiced in jubilation, their victory marked their 33rd title win in the National Football Championship.

Hansda, a prolific striker, scored his 12th goal in the 78th edition of the tournament. His influential presence brought a dramatic change in the final.

After finding the back of the net, Hansda went wild, with euphoria taking over him and the entire team. After scoring the match winner, he took off his shirt to celebrate, which was immediately followed by a yellow card. Hansda left the Gachibowli Stadium with the Tulsidas Balaram Player of the Match award and the Peter Thangaraj Player of the Tournament Award.

With the stalemate unbroken and the final heading towards the added time, the title-deciding clash looked destined to be decided in extra time or penalty shootout but everything changed in a matter of seconds when Kerala's defence was caught completely off-guard when forward Manotos Maji headed the ball into the box. Hansda was stationed in the perfect position, just a few yards away from the goalkeeper Hajmal to settle the game. Santosh Trophy 2024: Kerala Register Emphatic 5–1 Win Over Manipur, Will Face West Bengal in Final.

Throughout the match, both teams resorted to a cautious approach and took their time to test each other's defence. Even though both teams dealt with caution, they tried to accelerate counterattacks at every possible opportunity. On a couple of occasions, a few eye-catching dribbles, fancy shots and low crosses were executed on the field, but they didn't carry the required tenacity to threaten a goal.

(This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body)

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Odisha FC vs Punjab FC, ISL 2024–25 Live Streaming Online on JioCinema: Watch Telecast of OFC vs PFC Match in Indian Super League 11 on TV and Online

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