This week, there were two major Bollywood releases. There was 102 Not Out, starring Amitabh Bachchan and Rishi Kapoor in the lead and directed by Umesh Shukla. The movie reunites the Bachchan-Kapoor jodi after a gap of 27 years and is about a loving story of a 102-year old father who teaches his 70-year old son how to live life to the fullest. The concept and the promos had caught our fancy, and both the stars were strongly promoting the movie till its release date. So how did it fare at the box office?
As per trade analyst Taran Adarsh, the movie did start off slow, collecting Rs 3.52 crore on day 1. However Taran Adarsh did let us know that the collections in the evening shows were improving, and the movie has tremendous word-of-mouth buzz. This, hopefully, will lead to some really good collections over the weekend.
Like most content-driven films aimed at families, #102NotOut started on a slow note, but gan-statue-on-telugu-song-o-pilaga-venkati-during-her-visit-at-batu-caves-in-malaysia-watch-6281840.html" title="Desi Viral Video: Saree-Clad ‘Firangi’ Woman Dances in Front of Lord Murugan Statue on Telugu Song ‘O Pilaga Venkati’ During Her Visit at Batu Caves in Malaysia (Watch)">Desi Viral Video: Saree-Clad ‘Firangi’ Woman Dances in Front of Lord Murugan Statue on Telugu Song ‘O Pilaga Venkati’ During Her Visit at Batu Caves in Malaysia (Watch)
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