Bareilly, December 1: In a bizarre incident, a young woman cancelled her wedding after the groom kissed her on stage in front of nearly 300 guests on Tuesday night. The intriguing incident occurred during a wedding ceremony in the Sambhal region of Uttar Pradesh. The groom is alleged to have kissed the bride in front of everyone after the garland ceremony, when the bride and groom were seated next to one other on stage. Outraged by the groom’s behaviour, the bride immediately walked off from the dais and later called the police.

TOI reported that though the bride's family tried to persuade her to stay, but she was unwilling to listen. The bride reported the entire situation to the Bahjoi police station chief Pankaj Lavania and demanded that steps be taken to punish the groom. The people from the groom's side also arrived at the police station in the meantime. Uttar Pradesh: Breaking Traditional Norms, Bride Rides Horse To Get to Groom’s House in Muzaffarnagar (Watch Video)

While the groom's side claimed that he did it to win a bet. He revealed that the bride had bet with the groom on her own. Which states that she will pay the groom 1500 rupees if he kisses her in front of everyone on stage. He would have to give the bride Rs. 3000 if he was unable to do so. The bride asserted that there was nothing like it when the station in-charge spoke to her about this. She hadn't placed any bet with the groom. Uttar Pradesh Shocker: After Two Pheras Bride Calls Off Wedding, Says Groom Too Dark

Bahjoi station house officer (SHO) Pankaj Lavania, under whose jurisdiction the case falls, told TOI, that they have decided to wait a few days and let the bride take some time. Technically the couple is married as the rituals were done by the time the incident happened. “We will decide what to do after waiting for a couple of days for things to cool down,” the officer concluded.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 01, 2022 09:06 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website