Patna, November 14: A police Inspector was allegedly moved down by a tractor transporting sand illegally near Mahulia Tand village in Bihar's Jamui district. According to the police one home guard who was injured in the incident is said to be critical The deceased inspector has been identified as Prabhat Ranjan, a resident of Siwan district."He was rushed to a nearby Hospital where doctors said he was brought dead," as per police. Bihar Shocker: Eight-Year-Old Girl Raped, Murdered in Begusarai, Angry Villagers Block NH 55

The injured home guard has been identified as Rajesh Kumar. "He was admitted to a private clinic in the city where his condition is said to be critical," police said. "Garhi police station in-charge mowed down allegedly by a tractor carrying sand illegally, one Home Guard also injured in the incident in Mahulia Tand village of Jamui district," police said. Bihar Shocker: Physics Teacher Shot Inside College Campus in Sitamarhi, in Critical Condition

Upon receiving the word, police officials reached the spot and started investigating the matter, they said. More details are awaited.

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