One of the cutest couples in Bollywood, Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput became parents (for the second time) of a baby boy on Wednesday (September 5). The couple named their bundle of joy Zain Kapoor. Mira, who was admitted in Hinduja Hospital, was spotted with Shahid, Misha and Zain outside the hospital while they made their way towards home. The pictures of the Kapoor family surfaced yesterday and fans couldn't get more happier for the couple. In other news, Mira, who is a mother of two, celebrated her 24th birthday on September 7.

With Mira's birthday and the bundle of joy's home coming, the Kapoor family had double reasons to celebrate. While neither Mira nor Shahid shared any pictures from the birthday celebrations, we got our hands on Mira's birthday cake picture; it indeed was a cute gesture of shahid as the cake had an adorable message for his ladylove Mira and his little munchkin. The picture was shared from the official Instagram handle of Daffodils Creations. Talking about the picture, the cake had, "Just Hatched" and "Happy Birthday Mother Hen" written over it. Isn't that cute?

They captioned the post as, "This cake was a special gesture by #ShahidKapoor, as a double celebration was in order, the arrival of Jr. Kapoor & 2nd time Mommy #MiraKapoor 's Birthday!! As little time as we got to put this cake together, we hope it helped in making their Joyous day that much more Memorable. Wishing #Mira a very #HappyBirthday & many many #Congratulations with Lots of Love and Best Wishes to the entire Family!!"

On the professional front, Shahid is currently gearing up for the release of his upcoming film 'Batti Gul Meter Chalu'. The film also stars Shraddha Kapoor and Yami Gautam in pivotal roles. The movie is slated to release on September 21, 2018. Watch this space for further updates.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 08, 2018 08:15 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website