"Nine to Five", an idiom for a boring and unfulfilling job, is the harsh reality of today's world. An average American works for 40-48 hours a week i.e. 7-8 hours a day. Great working hours are not that bad. But when you realise you're giving your cent per cent and still not getting a willing outcome is disheartening. Nowadays, side hustle and freelancing have taken over the old traditional ways of working.

By converting people's passion into their profession, Matthew Alexander proved that pursuing amended unhackneyed ways to earn a living is far better than conventional 9-5 jobs. On a mission to empower one million people, Matthew Alexander is reforming the working community.

On his website Here, Matthew blogs about the side hustle. He's been working on hobby hustlers for more than 3 consecutive years. With a strong community of more than 2000 passionate side hustlers, Matthew is guiding and helping them to escape their 9-5 jobs and build a full-time business that is way better than the accepted jobs.

Achievements by Matthew Includes

  • Top 200 Business Podcast in USA and Canada
  • The podcast listenership has grown 150% since March 2020.
  • The Hobby Hustler Show attracts thousands of downloads every episode

Looking forward to creating cohort classes, Matthew is planning a live course for side hustlers specific to each one of them, which will help them turn their ideas into thriving businesses.

The whole concept of an eight-hour day or 40-hour week originates back from the 16th century. It came to power after a social movement that aimed to halt the worker's exploitation. The eight-hour day movement was started to regulate the length of a working day to prevent excesses and abuses. At that time, the working day could range from 10 to 16 hours, the workweek was typically six days a week. The use of child labour was quite common during that time.

Confucious, one of the greatest philosophers once said – "The real fault is to have faults and not to amend them". These words might be the truth of the century. Working has changed drastically since the last decade. And the recent pandemic turned out to be a boon for side hustlers and passionate workers. Hence, there is a critical need for an amendment to ensure the proper functioning of the working sector.