Actor Aishwarya Rai attended the L'Oreal event at the Gateway of India in Mumbai on Wednesday. On Friday Rai took to Instagram to drop pictures of herself. She captioned the post with heart emoticons. She looked stunning in a long black gown with a scooped neckline in the photo. Her outfit features a flared bottom with delicate white floral embroidery along the borders. She kept her accessories to a minimum, accessorising with only a pair of bold earrings. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Walks The Ramp at Paris Fashion Week 2023! OG Queen Owns PFW As She Sashays Down the Runway in Shimmery Couture (View Pics & Video).
Check Out The Pictures Here:
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To her post designer, Manish Malhotra replied with heart emoticons as he is the one who designed her black dress. Manish also took to Instagram to share pictures of Aishwarya. Aishwarya recently made heads turn with her walk at Paris Fashion Week. She dazzled on the runway as the Indian brand ambassador for L'Oreal Paris, wearing a gold shimmering cape gown and showcasing her newly debuted blonde highlights. Aishwarya was accompanied by her daughter Aaradhya Rai Bachchan at the fashion event and she too posed with Kendall Jenner.
Aishwarya's niece Navya Nanda also turned showstopper at Paris Fashion Week this year. Navya walked the runway for cosmetic brand L'Oreal Paris.
Navya's mother Shweta Bachchan shared an array of photographs and videos from the event, showcasing Navya's stunning appearance on the runway in a mini red dress. "Little miss L'Oreal," Shweta captioned the post. Jaya Bachchan was also spotted at a fashion event cheering for her granddaughter Navya. BLACKPINK’s Lisa To Perform at 2024 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, K-Pop Star Joins Tyla and Cher for VS’ First-Ever, All-Women Performers (Watch Video)