Gujarat Rains: Mumbai-Ahmedabad Train Traffic Hit as Narmada River Crosses Danger Mark; Passengers Stranded

"All the passenger and goods trains on both ends of the river have been held up due to the flood. Arrangements are being made to provide refreshments, tea, and water to the passengers stranded on trains," he added. According to our estimates, the water level may fall below the danger mark after a couple of hours, Thakur said.

Agency News PTI|
Gujarat Rains: Mumbai-Ahmedabad Train Traffic Hit as Narmada River Crosses Danger Mark; Passengers Stranded
NDRF in Gujarat. (Photo Credits: ANI)

Mumbai, September 18: Train traffic on the Mumbai-Ahmedabad route has been halted for nearly 11 hours since Sunday night as the Narmada river is flowing above the danger ma>


Gujarat Rains: Mumbai-Ahmedabad Train Traffic Hit as Narmada River Crosses Danger Mark; Passengers Stranded

"All the passenger and goods trains on both ends of the river have been held up due to the flood. Arrangements are being made to provide refreshments, tea, and water to the passengers stranded on trains," he added. According to our estimates, the water level may fall below the danger mark after a couple of hours, Thakur said.

Agency News PTI|
Gujarat Rains: Mumbai-Ahmedabad Train Traffic Hit as Narmada River Crosses Danger Mark; Passengers Stranded
NDRF in Gujarat. (Photo Credits: ANI)

Mumbai, September 18: Train traffic on the Mumbai-Ahmedabad route has been halted for nearly 11 hours since Sunday night as the Narmada river is flowing above the danger mark between Bharuch and Ankleshwar stations in Gujarat, Western Railway said on Monday.

The train traffic between Bharuch and Ankleshwar stations in the Vadodara division on the Mumbai-Ahmedabad route stopped after Narmada river waters surged above the danger mark at brigade no. 502 at around 11:50 pm on Sunday, Western Railway's Chief PRO Sumit Thakur told PTI. He said the river water level is still above the danger mark though it has started receding. Gujarat Rains: Schools, Colleges to Remain Closed on September 18 in Narmada Districts in View of Floods.

"All the passenger and goods trains on both ends of the river have been held up due to the flood. Arrangements are being made to provide refreshments, tea, and water to the passengers stranded on trains," he added. According to our estimates, the water level may fall below the danger mark after a couple of hours, Thakur said.

"Helpline numbers have been set up to assist passengers to get train-related information," he added. At least one-and-a-half dozen trains, including Mumbai-Ahmedabad Tejas Express and Shatabdi Express, have been cancelled due to the flood, a Western Railway release said. Gujarat Rains: NDRF Personnel Rescue Over 100 People After Heavy Rainfall in Bharuch (See Pics).

Heavy rain lashed many parts of Gujarat on Sunday, flooding low-lying areas and cutting off several villages as Narmada and other rivers were in full spate, officials said.

(This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body)

Morbi Road Accident: 12 Injured As State Transport Bus Rams Into Stationary Truck in Gujarat, Police Launch Probe

Gujarat Rains: Mumbai-Ahmedabad Train Traffic Hit as Narmada River Crosses Danger Mark; Passengers Stranded

"All the passenger and goods trains on both ends of the river have been held up due to the flood. Arrangements are being made to provide refreshments, tea, and water to the passengers stranded on trains," he added. According to our estimates, the water level may fall below the danger mark after a couple of hours, Thakur said.

Agency News PTI|
Gujarat Rains: Mumbai-Ahmedabad Train Traffic Hit as Narmada River Crosses Danger Mark; Passengers Stranded
NDRF in Gujarat. (Photo Credits: ANI)

Mumbai, September 18: Train traffic on the Mumbai-Ahmedabad route has been halted for nearly 11 hours since Sunday night as the Narmada river is flowing above the danger mark between Bharuch and Ankleshwar stations in Gujarat, Western Railway said on Monday.

The train traffic between Bharuch and Ankleshwar stations in the Vadodara division on the Mumbai-Ahmedabad route stopped after Narmada river waters surged above the danger mark at brigade no. 502 at around 11:50 pm on Sunday, Western Railway's Chief PRO Sumit Thakur told PTI. He said the river water level is still above the danger mark though it has started receding. Gujarat Rains: Schools, Colleges to Remain Closed on September 18 in Narmada Districts in View of Floods.

"All the passenger and goods trains on both ends of the river have been held up due to the flood. Arrangements are being made to provide refreshments, tea, and water to the passengers stranded on trains," he added. According to our estimates, the water level may fall below the danger mark after a couple of hours, Thakur said.

"Helpline numbers have been set up to assist passengers to get train-related information," he added. At least one-and-a-half dozen trains, including Mumbai-Ahmedabad Tejas Express and Shatabdi Express, have been cancelled due to the flood, a Western Railway release said. Gujarat Rains: NDRF Personnel Rescue Over 100 People After Heavy Rainfall in Bharuch (See Pics).

Heavy rain lashed many parts of Gujarat on Sunday, flooding low-lying areas and cutting off several villages as Narmada and other rivers were in full spate, officials said.

(This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body)

‘Human Trafficking’ in Uttarakhand: Gujarat Man Arrested for Allegedly Selling 7 Youths From Kheema and Banbasa to Companies in Thailand, Main Accused Flees to Dubai; 3 Rescued in Bangkok
News t/uploads/2024/06/accident-1-380x214.jpg" src="" alt="Morbi Road Accident: 12 Injured As State Transport Bus Rams Into Stationary Truck in Gujarat, Police Launch Probe">

Morbi Road Accident: 12 Injured As State Transport Bus Rams Into Stationary Truck in Gujarat, Police Launch Probe

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