Through his Digital Marketing Strategies Kosta has made huge strides forward for self-published fiction writers.

It has never been easier for authors to turn their writing into a successful publishing business. The proliferation of ebook readers available today means that never before has there been so many readers available to authors. But how does an author get these readers to click on their books?

The answer is simple: Digital Marketing.

Kosta Ouzas is the founder of Self-Publishing Hero. A coaching and consulting program that works alongside authors to help them market and advertise their books. He believes that there are many talented writers and amazing stories that are not reaching their audience because the author simply has no clue as to how to market and advertise their books. He sympathises with them though, as a writer himself, he knows how hard it can be. Thankfully, he has some experience in how to do it the right way.

Kosta has helped 400 authors reach a cumulative download of over 20 million books over the last seven years so he has some strategies that have been proven to work. Firstly, he recommends an author must build their audience. They need to have a fan-base to sustain their first book sales. Then they need to learn how to scale. That means using paid traffic sources to reach a larger audience of readers. The mastery of running ads at scale is incredibly important. 

And that is why his program exists. He works alongside authors on a one-to-one basis and provides group coaching so they don’t make the mistakes and hit the same roadblocks most authors do. The key, he says, is having a reliable strategy in place and not giving up. Kosta believes that success only comes with time and by following a blueprint that works. This allows authors to spend more time writing books - not worrying about advertising campaigns. 

Automation is also important to authors as to any other business. And thanks to online tools this kind of evergreen marketing can work effectively for both new and experienced authors. The key is to get it right the first time - and that’s how Self-Publishing Hero can help. Creating systems for authors that they can follow and that help sell books.

He has demonstrated the strength of his strategies time and time again across multiple genres. He believes by following universal marketing principles and applying them to publishing online he has been able to uncover an effective way for authors to achieve the results they desire faster than ever.

Ultimately, Kosta Ouzas says that he works towards making marketing as simple and effective as possible so that writers can continue doing what they do best - write more books.