How his impact on blockchain technology and the background work of the last few months with a record breaking launch could affect the entire industry.

The Austrian blockchain tycoon Benjamin Herzog has had a lot of news, good and bad, in the last few years. But the question everybody is asking right now is, after all of that, is he still one of the most successful blockchain and startup entrepreneurs that Austria and Europe has seen so far?

Being awarded as "Best Blockchain Entrepreneur under 30“ by Trescon at one of their "World Blockchain“ summits, he is the youngest entrepreneur in history to receive such an award by "Trescon“ or any other well-named international blockchain fair. Moving forward building one of the biggest digital wallet providers by gaining nearly one hundred thousand active customers within 12 months was just one of his steps towards building a legacy.

After a short break on social media and a short-term withdrawal from the public business world, information has now come to light that predicts a record-breaking comeback. A lot has happened in the background and apparently the foundation for a worldwide star shot has been built.

Trusted sources have stated towards us that he has been building companies and networks on a worldwide scale from behind the scenes ever since. A few weeks ago we realized that his social media accounts are active again and rumors are spreading in the industry that Benjamin Herzog is about to come back with a one of a kind Blockchain project, which is going to revolutionize the entire industry.

Against many predictions it seems that even though he has been gone for nearly a year, his impact on the industry is stronger than ever before. His current worth is estimated at around three hundred million USD, including his network of international companies and leading executives.

That makes him still one of the most powerful and respected economists in the blockchain industry at his age. Once again a big market takeover is to be expected. We are excited about the development and look forward to a new innovation in the blockchain area, which Benjamin Herzog is likely to have planned over the past few months and years.

According to trustworthy information, there will be a project that will pull its strings on a worldwide scale from the beginning on and have a global impact on the blockchain industry.