Even as Tamannaah has disappeared from the Bollywood scenario for the longest of time, we always manage to grab the opportunities and learn about her whereabouts. Tamannaah's Instagram handle is delightful, where she keeps updating her fans with everything that's happening around her. The actress recently added her friend's wedding and her bridesmaid outfit was all things charming. Ditching the usual pastel tones, the Baahubali actress prefered a stunning dark blue outfit for the ceremony and nailed it to the hilt. Tamannaah Bhatia Is Sprucing Up a Storm With All Her Ethnic Chicness!

Tamannaah's blue and gold outfit looked ravishing. While the blouse had intricate gold embroidery on it, the bottom was all plain and the dupatta had the same matching work as the blouse. Tamannaah prefered no jewellery for her simple look and chose a pair of earrings only. With nude lips, matt eyelids and extremely minimal makeup, she oozed radiance with her subtlety, The actress further amplified her look by styling her hair as beach waves. A clear winner from our end, what's your take on it? Tamannaah Takes the Viral #QuarantinePillowChallenge and Well, the Outcome is Super Sexy (View Pic).


Tamannaah (Photo Credits: Instagram)

Are you as mesmerised as we are with Tamannaah's #ootd or think it's a bit loud for a wedding ceremony? Are you happy with its colour palette or prefer something more pastel instead? Let us know your answers by tweeting them @latestly or by simply choosing the option from the box below.

Tamannaah in Ohaila Khan - Yo or Hell No?

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 07, 2021 01:00 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).