The word vajra in Sanskrit is the name given of Lord Indra's weapon, one of the most powerful and exquisite weapons ever to be wielded by a god. The name can either mean a thunderbolt or a diamond, both of which are powerful in their own right. Thunderbolt is known for its power and diamond, the toughest substance known to man, for its resilience. There's no question why such a name was chosen for Lord Indra's weapon.

Even yoga borrows the name for one of its most powerful asanas, aptly named Vajrasana. The English name for the asana is also the very befitting --the Adamantine (something that cannot be broken) pose.

There is an obvious logic behind the naming of the asana, which is known for its myriad health benefits. A potent posture, Vajrasana is said to make the body as powerful and as strong as the vajra itself. Also, if you look closely, the posture of the body in Vajrasana resembles the zig-zag pattern on the thunderbolt. It also has a pan-religious appeal since Muslims sit in a posture similar to Vajrasana while offering namaz. As part of our countdown to the International Day of Yoga on June 21, we will learn how to perform the Vajrasana and its many health benefits.

How to Perform Vajrasana:

  • The asana has to be performed in a meditative (dhyana) manner with your eyes shut.
  • Assume the dandasana pose by keeping your spine straight, legs outstretched and hands on either side of your body.
  • Keep your hands close to your body. Ensure that the weight of your body is not borne by your hands.
  • Take your left leg and place it under your left buttock. Take your right leg and keep your right buttock.
  • Thighs should be close and toes should touch each other.
  • Keep hands on your knees. Your chin should be parallel to the ground and your body relaxed.
  • Breathe in and breathe out normally and stay in this posture for some time.

To come back to the dandasana form, bend your body to the right and stretch your left leg and then bend your body towards the left and stretch your right leg.

What Are The Benefits of Vajrasana?

As simple as it is to perform, Vajrasana is a powerful pose. It improves digestion by directing blood flow to the lower abdomen. It relieves all kinds of gastric problems. Apart from strengthening the nerves of the legs, Vajrasana makes the calves and thighs stronger. Those who experience lower back pain and sciatica can benefit from performing the asana.


Do not perform the asana if you are suffering from knee pain or ankle injury. People who have piles-related problems should also refrain from performing the Vajrasana.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 10, 2018 07:50 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website