We are often taught our finances and how to manage our money by our parents growing up. Many people do not get a formal education on credit, finances, and investing their money properly. This can often lead to many shortcomings and missed opportunities that could change someone’s life as they know it for better or worse. This is why so many people turn to coaches or other businesses to help them understand the ins and outs of the finance world.

Thankfully, there are businesses like the one created by Samantha Santaniello and her sister to better help people with their finances by consulting on taxes and other aspects of people’s money. Their business took off during the height of the pandemic, in particular, because of the number of people looking to them to build a stable financial foundation during tough economic times.

For Samantha and her sister, both empowered female entrepreneurs, they started their business for both personal and business reasons. On the personal side, the two watched their parents working day and night to make ends meet and not being able to enjoy life. The two of them quickly found themselves following a similar path of working and following a solid career path just to barely get by. When their mom suddenly died, they realized that they were working hard for little return and wanted to get more out of life.

With this in mind, Samantha and her sister wanted to also make an impact on others lives. With minor adjustments, every person could be doing a bit better financially and for those who are truly struggling financially, this little bit of help can take them from debt to success! With these two aspects in mind, Samantha and her sister began their business.

Despite having all of the best intentions, their business was not without challenges. For many people, talking about finances and their money is difficult. People have these limiting beliefs that talking about money is not acceptable and they are trying to change that perspective. The more we discuss our challenges, the better solutions we will find and the more options we will have.

However, what has allowed Samantha to achieve in her business is not viewing others as a competitor, but rather seeing them as opportunities to collaborate and know more. This helps them form relationships that they need to build an overall better financial community.

“I don't see anyone else as a competition because even though they may teach or provide the same services, we are all different on how we provide the service. I see my competitors as an opportunity to collaborate from one another and learn from them. Clients and customers will come to you because they have a connection with you. It doesn't matter if there are so many other competitors. They work with you because of the trust and relationship they have with you,” Samantha remarks.

With so much more to look forward to, Samantha and her sister are not slowing down. They are excited to see what the future holds for them and their business. Their next goal is to help new women entrepreneurs build wealth in their personal lives and in their business in order to become financially secure and independent.