A woman from Unnao attempted suicide by setting herself on fire in Uttar Pradesh capital Lucknow on Tuesday, August 6. A disturbing video of the incident, which took place on Vikramaditya Road, also surfaced online. Some reports said the woman attempted suicide near the resident of Chief Minsiter Yogi Adityanath. Speaking about the incident, DCP Central Lucknow Raveena Tyagi said the woman was immediately rushed to a hospital and is undergoing treatment. "Prima facie, it appears to be a case of family dispute. Further action is being taken," she added. CM Yogi Adityanath Slams Samajwadi Party Over Gang Rape of 12-Year-Old Girl in Ayodhya.

Woman Self-Immolates in Lucknow┬а(Viewer Discretion Required)

Lucknow Police Give Details

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