After an intriguing teaser of the film, the makers of Dunki starring Shah Rukh Khan and Taapsee Pannu on Saturday unveiled new posters. Taking to Instagram, SRK treated fans with new posters featuring Rajkumar Hirani's "Ullu ke patthon". The first poster showed Shah Rukh walking on the streets accompanied by Taapsee Pannu, Vicky Kaushal, Vikram Kochhar and Anil Grover. All are dressed formally and holding files in their hands. Dunki Drop 1: Shah Rukh Khan-Rajkumar Hirani’s Film On Illegal Immigration Promises To Be Rollicking Entertainer; Watch Vicky Kaushal, Boman Irani and Taapsee Pannu’s Glimpses In This Teaser Video!
SRK can be seen in his new avatar as he wore a green kurta with jeans and a sweater vest. Taapsee is dressed in a white kurta that she paired with a denim jacket and pants. Vicky, on the other hand, carried a rugged look in the poster.
In the next one, SRK with others could be seen navigating tough terrain in the middle of a desert. Sharing the posters, Pathaan actor wrote, "Hum bilkul usi tarah dikh rahe hain jaise Raju sir ne apne "Ullu ke patthon" ko imagine kiya tha....Inke baare mein bahot kuch share karna abhi baaki hai..."
Check Out Dunki Posters Here:
Hum bilkul usi tarah dikh rahe hain jaise Raju sir ne apne “Ullu ke patthon” ko imagine kiya tha….
Inke baare mein bahot kuch share karna abhi baaki hai…
The #DunkiDrop1 is out now.
Watch it here: releases worldwide in cinemas this Christmas…
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) November 4, 2023
As soon as the poster was unveiled, fans and followers flooded the comment section with heart and fire emojis. One of the users wrote, "What a poster"
"King is back again [?][?]," another comment read. King Khan on the occasion of his 58th birthday, treated his fans with the first glimpse of the film. Titled Dunki Drop 1 SRK shared the clip on his Instagram account which he captioned, "A story of simple and real people trying to fulfill their dreams and desires."
"Of friendship, love, and being together... Of being in a relationship called Home! A heartwarming story by a heartwarming storyteller. It's an honour to be a part of this journey and I hope you all come along with us. The #DunkiDrop1 is here...#Dunki releasing worldwide in cinemas this Christmas."
Helmed by Rajkumar Hirani the film stars Shah Rukh Khan, Taapsee Pannu and Vicky Kaushal in the lead roles. Shah Rukh Khan Birthday: Dunki Director Rajkumar Hirani Joins in For Celebrations, King Khan Meets Fans On His Special Day.
The Dunki Drop 1, gives us a glimpse into the world of Rajkumar Hirani, it's a heart-warming tale of four friends and their quest to reach foreign shores. It charts the arduous yet life-changing journey they are about to undertake to make their dreams come true. The film also stars Vikram Kochhar, Anil Grover and Boman Irani in pivotal roles. Dunki is all set to hit the theatres on the occasion of Christmas 2023. The film marks SRK's first on-screen collaboration with director Rajkumar Hirani, Taapsee and Vicky Kaushal.