The reigning queen on Indian TV shows for over two decades, Ekta Kapoor turned a year older on June 6. The TV mogul's social media accounts were flooded with birthday wishes. From Hina Khan, Erica Fernandes, Anita Hassanandani, Mouni Roy to Smriti Irani, Karan Patel, amongst others, several actors took to their respective social media handle to share an adorable post for their favourite producer Ekta. On the day of her birthday, Ekta had an intimate dinner with her family- Shobha Kapoor and Jeetendra, Tusshar Kapoor and friends- Mona Singh, Anita Hassnandani, Rohit Reddy, Krystle D'Souza and others in attendance. Ekta also took to the photo-sharing app to share a picture from their dinner night and captioned the post as, "This dinner this group this warmth! #grateful." Happy Birthday Ekta Kapoor: Erica Fernandes, Mouni Roy, Anita Hassanandani Share Adorable Posts Wishing the TV Mogul

On Saturday (June 8), the 44-year-old threw a birthday bash for her industry colleagues and friends. From Erica Fernandes, Parth Samthaan, Anita - Rohit, Krystle D'Souza, Karan Singh Grover, Mona Singh, Pooja Banerjee, Sakshi Panwar, Vishal Singh, Urvashi Dholakia, Karan Patel Ankita Bhargava, Karan Kundrra - Anusha, amongst others, friends from both TV and Bollywood marked their presence. Parth Samthaan and Erica Fernandes Enter Ekta Kapoor’s Birthday Bash Holding Hands – See Pics

Check Out the Pictures Here:

Parth Samthaan and Erica Fernandes

Karan Patel, Ankita Bhargava and Mushtaq Sheikh

Karishma Tanna

Shabir Ahluwalia and Kanchi Kaul

Sakshi Tanwar

Karan Kundrra and Anusha Dandekar

Mona Singh and Gaurav Gera

Krystle D'Souza

Urvashi Dholakia

Karan Singh Grover

Rithvik Dhanjani

Shaheer Sheikh and Pooja Banerjee


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@shaheernsheikh at #ektakapoor’s Birthday party

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Meanwhile, Ekta, Ekta launched the poster of her (ALTBalaji's) new show, which is an inspiring true events-based drama titled MOM (Mission Over Mars). Produced under the banner of Ekta's digital venture ALT Balaji, MOM is an inspiring story of four women scientists, who overcome insurmountable technical deficiencies to mount the successful Mars Orbiter Mission. Stay tuned!

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 09, 2019 04:09 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website