Alia Bhatt celebrated her 31st birthday on March 15, receiving warm wishes from fans and celebrities. Among those extending their heartfelt wishes was her doting mother, Soni Razdan, who took to social media to share a touching tribute. Razdan shared a collage of throwback photos featuring a delightful mix of Baby Alia moments and recent memories, including one capturing Alia's infectious laughter in her wedding dress. Accompanying the images was a four-line poem and a sweet note expressing Razdan's profound love for her daughter. In her tweet, she simply wrote, "So let me just say it simply then. Happy Birthday my darling I love you more than you will ever know." Alia Bhatt Birthday: 5 Times the National Award-Winning Actress Flaunted Her Natural Beauty Look on Social Media (View Pics).
Soni Razdan's Post About Daughter Alia Bhatt
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