Actor-filmmaker Sohail Khan has dismissed recent rumours suggesting he has found love again after his divorce from Seema Sajdeh. The actor was spotted on September 9 (Monday) with a 'mystery woman' outside a restaurant in Bandra, Mumbai, sparking speculation about a new relationship. However, Khan clarified to HT that the woman was simply an 'old friend'. "She is just an old friend of mine," Khan told the portal. The photos and videos that surfaced on social media showcased Khan leaving the restaurant with the woman, which led to speculations that Khan has moved on from his previous marriage and found a new partner. ‘Do Pasliyaan Tooti Hai’: Salman Khan Confirms Rib Injury During ‘Bigg Boss 18’ Shoot, Requests Paparazzi To Be Careful (Watch Video).

Sohail Khan Clarifies He Has Not Found Love After Divorce


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Sohail Khan's Viral Video With 'Mystery Woman' That Sparked The Goss


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