The proceedings of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha are set to resume today, July 1. Sansad TV is hosting live streaming of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha proceedings. This is the second week of the first session of the 18th Lok Sabha. Both houses of the Parliament are expected to witness another showdown between the BJP-led NDA government and the Opposition's INDIA bloc over the NEET issue. Other issues, such as the Agnipath scheme, inflation and unemployment, may also be raised by the INDIA bloc MPs. While the Opposition, led by Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi, is demanding a discussion on the paper leak row involving NEET, the government wants the debate on the Motion of Thanks on the President's address to conclude first. Watch the live streaming of the Parliament session below. Rahul Gandhi, PM Narendra Modi Shake Hands As They Welcome Newly-Elected Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla (Watch Video).

Lok Sabha Live Streaming on July 1

Rajya Sabha Live Streaming on July 1

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