Bollywood actor Kriti Sanon, on Saturday, talked about the most irritating thing about her sister Nupur Sanon. Taking to Instagram, the Mimi actor started an Ask me anything session, under which a fan asked her about the most irritating things about her sister. To which she replied, "Firstly whenever she borrows anything from me, clothes skincare or anything, she never returns it back like never, and wo pair ghaseet ke chalti hai, which I hate." Tiger Nageswara Rao: Nupur Sanon Joins Ravi Teja's Pan India Film.

The Luka Chuppi actor also replied to some more questions from her fans.Meanwhile, on the work front, Kriti will be next seen in Ganpath: Part One alongside Tiger Shroff. The upcoming action thriller is all set to hit the theatres on the occasion of Christmas 2022. Apart from that, she will be also seen in Shehzada along with Kartik Aaryan, which is slated to release on February 10, 2022. Directed by Rohit Dhawan, the film is an official Hindi remake of the Telugu film Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo , which starred Allu Arjun and Pooja Hegde in the lead roles. Kriti Sanon Flaunts Her New Look on Instagram After Sister Nupur Sanon Gives Her a Haircut in a Goofy Video!

Check Out Kriti Sanon's Instagram Story:

Kriti Sanon's Instagram Story

She also has a horror comedy film Bhediya along with Varun Dhawan, and Adipurush with south actor Prabhas and Saif Ali Khan in her kitty. Nupur, on the other hand, will be making her big Bollywood debut from Noorani Chehra, opposite actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui. Apart from that, she also has a Pan-India film Tiger Nageswara Rao in her kitty. Nupur has also worked with Akshay Kumar in B Praak's music videos Filhall and Filhaal 2.

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