Why Do We Celebrate World Hearing Day 2022? Know Major Problems About Hearing and Their Remedies

When the child is in the mother's womb, then this problem can be inherited by her genetics. If one or both of the parents has any kind of hearing problem, then it can come in the child. The second reason is that you are working for a long time in a work place where there is a lot of noise.

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Why Do We Celebrate World Hearing Day 2022? Know Major Problems About Hearing and Their Remedies
World Hearing Day. (Photo Credits: Pixabay)
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Why Do We Celebrate World Hearing Day 2022? Know Major Problems About Hearing and Their Remedies

When the child is in the mother's womb, then this problem can be inherited by her genetics. If one or both of the parents has any kind of hearing problem, then it can come in the child. The second reason is that you are working for a long time in a work place where there is a lot of noise.

Festivals & Events Team Latestly|
Why Do We Celebrate World Hearing Day 2022? Know Major Problems About Hearing and Their Remedies
World Hearing Day. (Photo Credits: Pixabay)

World Hearing Day is celebrated every year on March 3. Various programs are organised on this day to bring awareness against deafness around the world. According to a research, people do not have proper control over their diet, due to which they are unable to control their weight and become obese. Research has found that such people are more prone to hearing loss.

For the first time in 2007, International Ear Care Day was celebrated all over the world. Since then, a mission-like celebration against deafness is done on this day. On this occasion, Sana Zeb (Assistant Professor Nair Hospital), a well-known Audiologist and Speech Therapist from Mumbai, spoke about the problems and solutions of hearing or deafness.

Hearing loss or deafness is a condition where a person loses their hearing. This disease can occur due to genetic reasons, some complications at birth, some infectious diseases, long-term persistence of ear infection, the functioning of the individual or the use of auto-toxic drugs and increasing age. ASLP Sana says that the hearing ability or hearing problem of a person is affected due to many reasons. We will mention the problem in two ways here. World Hearing Day 2022: Netizens Share Messages, Quotes On Hearing Care, Greetings And HD Images On Twitter To Observe The Global Celebration.

Factors Affecting Hearing:

When the child is in the mother's womb, then this problem can be inherited by her genetics. If one or both of the parents have any kind of hearing problem, then it can come to the child as well.

The second reason is that you are working for a long time in a workplace where there is a lot of noise. Like in a steel factory, at the airport. Sometimes, children put something in their ear due to which the eardrum, which is very delicate, gets torn. Hearing ability is also affected by this.

Apart from this, increasing age can also be the cause of hearing problems. Hearing ability starts getting affected as soon as the age of 60 is crossed. Some people quickly go to the serious stage, while some people pass old age without hearing aid.

What is Hearing Loss and When to Use Hearing Machine?

In India, more than six lakh people are suffering from significant hearing loss. According to a study, 4 out of every 1,000 children are affected by severe or very severe hearing loss. ASLP Sana says that if there is any kind of discomfort or problem in hearing, then, first of all, a qualified audiologist should be consulted. They can tell the degree or extent of the deafness in each ear after investigation and audiogram reports and will give the treatment accordingly. If you have binaural hearing loss in both ears, then it would be appropriate to get binaural (in both ears) hearing aids.

Special Message on World Hearing Day:

On asking ASLP Sana Zeb as to what message she would like to give to the people on 'World Hearing Day', she said, "Often people do not pay attention to the maintenance of their ears. Some people go to the parlour, get the ear wax cleaned there, I want to tell them that metal tools that are used in the parlour can damage the eardrum. It would be better to remove the extra wax deposited in the ear with a soft cloth after bath.

This is a safe process. On this special day, I would like to give a message to the mothers that if you feel any kind of hearing loss in your child, then you should get the child tested. Because this is the age when language develops in the child, in such a situation their auditory ability should be perfect.

An older and wiser person can tell their problem to you or to us, but the child cannot. If we see any problem during the test, then this is the age when it can be properly treated. Because in today's date, we have all the techniques that can bring the child's hearing ability to a normal level in time."

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 03, 2022 10:21 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

Why Do We Celebrate World Hearing Day 2022? Know Major Problems About Hearing and Their Remedies
World Hearing Day. (Photo Credits: Pixabay)

World Hearing Day is celebrated every year on March 3. Various programs are organised on this day to bring awareness against deafness around the world. According to a research, people do not have proper control over their diet, due to which they are unable to control their weight and become obese. Research has found that such people are more prone to hearing loss.

For the first time in 2007, International Ear Care Day was celebrated all over the world. Since then, a mission-like celebration against deafness is done on this day. On this occasion, Sana Zeb (Assistant Professor Nair Hospital), a well-known Audiologist and Speech Therapist from Mumbai, spoke about the problems and solutions of hearing or deafness.

Hearing loss or deafness is a condition where a person loses their hearing. This disease can occur due to genetic reasons, some complications at birth, some infectious diseases, long-term persistence of ear infection, the functioning of the individual or the use of auto-toxic drugs and increasing age. ASLP Sana says that the hearing ability or hearing problem of a person is affected due to many reasons. We will mention the problem in two ways here. World Hearing Day 2022: Netizens Share Messages, Quotes On Hearing Care, Greetings And HD Images On Twitter To Observe The Global Celebration.

Factors Affecting Hearing:

When the child is in the mother's womb, then this problem can be inherited by her genetics. If one or both of the parents have any kind of hearing problem, then it can come to the child as well.

The second reason is that you are working for a long time in a workplace where there is a lot of noise. Like in a steel factory, at the airport. Sometimes, children put something in their ear due to which the eardrum, which is very delicate, gets torn. Hearing ability is also affected by this.

Apart from this, increasing age can also be the cause of hearing problems. Hearing ability starts getting affected as soon as the age of 60 is crossed. Some people quickly go to the serious stage, while some people pass old age without hearing aid.

What is Hearing Loss and When to Use Hearing Machine?

In India, more than six lakh people are suffering from significant hearing loss. According to a study, 4 out of every 1,000 children are affected by severe or very severe hearing loss. ASLP Sana says that if there is any kind of discomfort or problem in hearing, then, first of all, a qualified audiologist should be consulted. They can tell the degree or extent of the deafness in each ear after investigation and audiogram reports and will give the treatment accordingly. If you have binaural hearing loss in both ears, then it would be appropriate to get binaural (in both ears) hearing aids.

Special Message on World Hearing Day:

On asking ASLP Sana Zeb as to what message she would like to give to the people on 'World Hearing Day', she said, "Often people do not pay attention to the maintenance of their ears. Some people go to the parlour, get the ear wax cleaned there, I want to tell them that metal tools that are used in the parlour can damage the eardrum. It would be better to remove the extra wax deposited in the ear with a soft cloth after bath.

This is a safe process. On this special day, I would like to give a message to the mothers that if you feel any kind of hearing loss in your child, then you should get the child tested. Because this is the age when language develops in the child, in such a situation their auditory ability should be perfect.

An older and wiser person can tell their problem to you or to us, but the child cannot. If we see any problem during the test, then this is the age when it can be properly treated. Because in today's date, we have all the techniques that can bring the child's hearing ability to a normal level in time."

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 03, 2022 10:21 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

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World Creativity and Innovation Day 2024 Date and Theme: Know History and Significance of the Day That Highlights the Importance of Creativity and Innovation

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