Actor Suriya's upcoming fantasy film Kanguva will be released in theatres on October 10, the makers have announced. Backed by UV Creations and Studio Green, Kanguva is billed as a “mighty valiant saga” from filmmaker Siva. "Ready yourselves to welcome the Warrior King. Our #Kanguva is set to conquer your hearts and screens from October 10, 2024," Studio Green posted on social media platform X on Thursday night. ‘Kanguva’ Release Date: Suriya’s Fantasy Action Film Co-Starring Bobby Deol To Arrive on October 10 (View Poster).
Also starring Bobby Deol and Disha Patani in pivotal roles, the film will be released in 3D in 10 different languages. Kanguva Glimpse: Suriya Looks Ferocious in This Stunning Promo of Siva's Upcoming Film (Watch Video).
View Suriya Sivakumar's Post:
Dear all
It’s 10th October 2024#KanguvaFromOct10 @directorsiva @DishPatani @thedeol @ThisIsDSP @vetrivisuals #MilanArtDir @GnanavelrajaKe @StudioGreen2 @UV_Creations @KvnProductions @PenMovies #PenMarudhar @jayantilalgada @NehaGnanavel @saregamasouth
— Suriya Sivakumar (@Suriya_offl) June 27, 2024
The movie is produced by K E Gnanavel Raja, V Vamsi Krishna Reddy and Pramod Uppalapati under the banners of Studio Green and UV Creations. Music is composed by Devi Sri Prasad.