The entire Bollywood is currently practising self-quarantine as the coronavirus bug has hit the nation and how. Amid this, Salman Khan and family are staying at his Panvel farmhouse. Along with them, is also Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez. The babe recently had teased fans with a shirtless pic of Salman Khan working out. And now, the actress has shared a picture of herself straight from the farms, and it's her first-ever digital cover. Amid the lockdown, Fernandez looks attached to nature as she looks gorgeous posing for Harper Bazaar's online cover. The picture is shot beautifully which sees the actress in between all things blessed by nature. Jacqueline Fernandez Treats Salman Khan's Fans With His Shirtless Workout Picture!

In the photo, Jacqueline can be seen looking at the lenses flaunting her body while wearing a floral dress in white. The most interesting part about the pic is that it captures fashion, nature's beauty and also a glamorous white pony in one frame. With her hair tied up and minimal accessory, Fernandez looks simple and so very like a farm lady with a poise. Well, after looking at the cover, all we want to see is a farm boy... and that's none other than Salman Khan. Jacqueline Fernandez's Bong Avatar Made Us Realize How Hot The Sri Lankan Import Is Even In Her Desi Flavour!

Check Out Jacqueline Fernandez's Digital Cover Below:


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Amidst news of the lockdown extension, we asked Jacqueline Fernandez (@jacquelinef143) to create a cover image that would celebrate just some of the things that are bringing us joy right now—beautiful imagery, nature, and the hope of a better future. The actor is quarantined out on a Panvel farmhouse where she is, “reconnecting with nature”. She says, “It has been such an enriching liberating experience for me, being fully aware of the pain and suffering the pandemic has caused for many, I’m just grateful that I’m on a farm, safe and well. Doing everything that I can to help those in need from here and praying for strength and health to each one in this world during these tough times.” . . Photographs by Saajan Singh (@saajan_singh23) . Editor: Nonita Kalra (@nonitakalra) Creative Director: Yurreipem Arthur (@yurreipem) Assistant art director: Nikhil Kaushik (@nickmodisto) Consulting editor, digital: Ravneet Kaur Sethi (@ravneetkaurr) Actor's agency: @spicesocial . . #jacquelinefernandez #bazaarindia #mayissue

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Here's A Close-Up Look:


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Head over to @bazaarindia to check out my first digital cover!!! 💛💛 📸@saajan_singh23

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Must say, that the digital photoshoot idea is unique in its own way and Jacqueline looks simply pretty in this one. As right from the photography to the little style details kept in mind to create a farm-y impact, it's cool. So, what's your take on this? Is it yay or nay? Tell us your thoughts on the fashion cover in the comment section below. Stay tuned!

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 03, 2020 12:02 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website