Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's wife, Sunita Kejriwal, took to X and said that the tricolour was not hoisted at the CM's residence on 78th Independence Day. "It is very sad. This dictatorship can keep an elected Chief Minister in jail, but how can it stop the patriotism in the heart," her tweet in Hindi read. Sunita Kejriwal's tweet came in response to Delhi minister Atishi's post in which she questioned how an elected Chief Minister would be framed in a false case and kept in jail for months in Independent India. Arvind Kejriwal Gets No Relief: Supreme Court Refuses Interim Bail to Delhi CM in Corruption Case Related to Excise Policy ‘Scam’, Posts Matter for Hearing on August 23.
'The Tricolour Was Not Hoisted at the CM Residence'
आज CM आवास पर तिरंगा नहीं फहराया गया। बहुत अफ़सोस रहा। यह तानाशाही एक चुने हुए मुख्यमंत्री को जेल में रख सकती है, लेकिन दिल में देशप्रेम को कैसे रोक पाएगी…
— Sunita Kejriwal (@KejriwalSunita) August 15, 2024
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