Veteran actor Bala Singh was predominantly known for his works in the Tamil film industry. He has also worked in few Malayalam films as well. The Kollywood actor who is widely known for his role in the 2006 released film Pudhupettai (that starred Dhanush in the lead), passed away on Wednesday morning in Chennai. According to leading media reports, Bala Singh, aged 67, passed away at 1 AM. As per reports, the actor was admitted to Vijaya Hospital in Chennai after he suffered from food poison and was undergoing treatment there. There also reports stating that the actor breathed his last after suffering from cardiac arrest. Shaukat Kaifi Passes Away: Amitabh Bachchan, Rekha, Farhan Akhtar, Shibani Dandekar and Others Spotted outside Shabana Azmi’s Residence (View Pics).

Before being a part of feature films, Bala Singh was a part of stage plays. He was trained with the National School of Drama. Bala Singh’s first feature movie was a Malayalam flick titled Malamukalile Daivam that released in 1983. He has appeared in few more Malayalam films after it. But it was his role in in Nassar’s Avatharam, released in 1995, shot him to fame. He played the character Bassi, the antagonist, for which he was lauded by critics and fans. Bala Singh has often played the role of a villain in his acting career. He has appeared in a negative avatar in more than 100 films. Parasmani Actress Geetanjali Rama Krishna Passes Away Due to Cardiac Arrest.

Besides films, Bala Singh has also appeared in television shows as Rudhraveenai, Nalla Neram and Aathira. Bala Singh’s mortal remains will be kept at his house in Virugambakkam on November 27. The last rites will be performed at his hometown, in Nagercoil.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 27, 2019 09:47 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website