In a horrific incident in Tamil Nadu, a 25-year-old man was allegedly hacked to death by unidentified men in Dharmapuri. The deceased was later identified as Muhammad Ashik. The alleged incident is said to have taken place on Saturday, July 27. A disturbing video of the alleged murder caught on camera also surfaced online today, July 28. The viral clip shows unidentified men stabbing the deceased man to death. It is reported that the victim worked at a hotel in Dharmapuri's Elakkiampatt area. Soon after they were alerted, the police reached the spot and rushed Ashik to Dharmapuri's District Hospital, where he was declared dead by doctors. Tamil Nadu Shocker: Accused of Stealing Money, Bus Driver Tied and Beaten Up by Employer in Madurai; Case Registered (Watch Video).
Hotel Employee Stabbed to Death in Tamil Nadu (Trigger Warning)
Hotel employee hacked to death in Tamil Nadu's Dharmapuri. The deceased was identified as 25-year-old Muhammad -by-unidentified-men-in-dharmapuri-terrifying-video-surfaces-6143991.html">
Murder Caught on Camera in Tamil Nadu: 25-Year-Old Hotel Employee Hacked to Death by Unidentified Men in Dharmapuri, Terrifying Video Surfaces
A disturbing video of the alleged murder caught on camera also surfaced online today, July 28. The viral clip shows unidentified men stabbing the deceased man to death.
In a horrific incident in Tamil Nadu, a 25-year-old man was allegedly hacked to death by unidentified men in Dharmapuri. The deceased was later identified as Muhammad Ashik. The alleged incident is said to have taken place on Saturday, July 27. A disturbing video of the alleged murder caught on camera also surfaced online today, July 28. The viral clip shows unidentified men stabbing the deceased man to death. It is reported that the victim worked at a hotel in Dharmapuri's Elakkiampatt area. Soon after they were alerted, the police reached the spot and rushed Ashik to Dharmapuri's District Hospital, where he was declared dead by doctors. Tamil Nadu Shocker: Accused of Stealing Money, Bus Driver Tied and Beaten Up by Employer in Madurai; Case Registered (Watch Video).
Hotel Employee Stabbed to Death in Tamil Nadu (Trigger Warning)
Hotel employee hacked to death in Tamil Nadu's Dharmapuri. The deceased was identified as 25-year-old Muhammad Ashik.
One person arrested, police looking out for more suspects.#TamilNadu
— Vani Mehrotra (@vani_mehrotra) July 28, 2024
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