Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2 October 22, 2019 Written Update Full Episode: Anurag and Prerna’s Wedding Prep Begins, While Komolika Gears to Strike Back

In yesterday’s episode of Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2, we saw Mr Bajaj’s shocking revelation that leads to Anurag and Prerna’s reunion, while Komolika (Aamna Sharif) plans to re-enter Anurag’s life. Prerna tries to tell him the truth.

TV Team Latestly|
Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2 October 22, 2019 Written Update Full Episode: Anurag and Prerna’s Wedding Prep Begins, While Komolika Gears to Strike Back
Erica Fernandes and Parth Samthaan in Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2 (Photo Credits: Hotstar)

In yesterday’s episode of Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2, we saw Mr Bajaj’s shocking revelation that leads to Anurag and Prerna’s reunion, while Komolika (Aamna Sharif) plans to re-enter Anurag’s life. Prerna tries to tell him the truth. Tonight’s episode starts with Anurag (Parth Samthaan) putting vermillion on Prerna’s (Erica Fernandes) forehead in front of Goddess Durga so that Prerna will be his for a lifetime and they hug each other. On the other hand, Mohini reminisces what Moloy told her and gets disturbed.  Meanwhile downstairs Prerna tells Anurag that she wants a marriage with all the rituals and Anurag promises her that he will fulfil all her wishes. Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2 October 21, 2019 Written Update Full Episode: Anurag and Prerna Reunite After Mr Bajaj's Confession, Komolika's Re-Entry Is Brewing More Trouble

Back at Komolika's pla>


Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2 October 22, 2019 Written Update Full Episode: Anurag and Prerna’s Wedding Prep Begins, While Komolika Gears to Strike Back

In yesterday’s episode of Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2, we saw Mr Bajaj’s shocking revelation that leads to Anurag and Prerna’s reunion, while Komolika (Aamna Sharif) plans to re-enter Anurag’s life. Prerna tries to tell him the truth.

TV Team Latestly|
Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2 October 22, 2019 Written Update Full Episode: Anurag and Prerna’s Wedding Prep Begins, While Komolika Gears to Strike Back
Erica Fernandes and Parth Samthaan in Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2 (Photo Credits: Hotstar)

In yesterday’s episode of Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2, we saw Mr Bajaj’s shocking revelation that leads to Anurag and Prerna’s reunion, while Komolika (Aamna Sharif) plans to re-enter Anurag’s life. Prerna tries to tell him the truth. Tonight’s episode starts with Anurag (Parth Samthaan) putting vermillion on Prerna’s (Erica Fernandes) forehead in front of Goddess Durga so that Prerna will be his for a lifetime and they hug each other. On the other hand, Mohini reminisces what Moloy told her and gets disturbed.  Meanwhile downstairs Prerna tells Anurag that she wants a marriage with all the rituals and Anurag promises her that he will fulfil all her wishes. Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2 October 21, 2019 Written Update Full Episode: Anurag and Prerna Reunite After Mr Bajaj's Confession, Komolika's Re-Entry Is Brewing More Trouble

Back at Komolika's place, Ronit asks his sister when will she come out of the room, Komolika says she herself wants to go out and meet Anurag but is waiting for the scar to disappear from her face, as when Anurag sees her, he should madly fall in love with her beauty again.

Meanwhile, Mohini asks Anurag to choose a saree for Prerna and he gets happy thinking his mother is happy with his decision. Later, Anurag comes into Prerna’s room with Mohini. Prerna is happy that Mohini brought her the shagun saree. Mohini gives Prerna her family bangles and blesses them, just then Moloy comes and is happy to see them together. Bajaj comes and tells them that all the arrangements have been done and asks them to come down. Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2: Karan Singh Grover Might Return As Mr Bajaj Only If THIS Happens!

Mr Bajaj (Karan Singh Grover) comes and tells Anurag that he is looking smart, Anurag thanks him and smiles. The panditji comes and says he will start the puja. Mohini admires Anurag and blesses him, Moloy also blesses him. On the other hand, Ronit gets a call and comes to know that Anurag is going to marry Prerna and he gives this news to Komolika, who gets enraged and starts throwing things in anger. She swears that she will not let Anurag marry anyone apart from her and promises to stop the wedding.

In the next episode, Bajaj tells Prerna that Kuki is going to miss her. Later, Prerna tells Anurag about her pregnancy and he is thrilled to hear it.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 22, 2019 05:24 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

Meanwhile, Mohini asks Anurag to choose a saree for Prerna and he gets happy thinking his mother is happy with his decision. Later, Anurag comes into Prerna’s room with Mohini. Prerna is happy that Mohini brought her the shagun saree. Mohini gives Prerna her family bangles and blesses them, just then Moloy comes and is happy to see them together. Bajaj comes and tells them that all the arrangements have been done and asks them to come down. Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2: Karan Singh Grover Might Return As Mr Bajaj Only If THIS Happens!

Mr Bajaj (Karan Singh Grover) comes and tells Anurag that he is looking smart, Anurag thanks him and smiles. The panditji comes and says he will start the puja. Mohini admires Anurag and blesses him, Moloy also blesses him. On the other hand, Ronit gets a call and comes to know that Anurag is going to marry Prerna and he gives this news to Komolika, who gets enraged and starts throwing things in anger. She swears that she will not let Anurag marry anyone apart from her and promises to stop the wedding.

In the next episode, Bajaj tells Prerna that Kuki is going to miss her. Later, Prerna tells Anurag about her pregnancy and he is thrilled to hear it.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 22, 2019 05:24 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

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Fighter Cast Salary: Here’s How Much Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone, Anil Kapoor and Karan Singh Grover Got Paid for Siddharth Anand’s Film – Reports

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