Bhavika Sharma, who portrays the role of Savi in the popular TV show Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin, shared a glimpse from her shooting diaries. Contrary to expectations of behind-the-scenes footage from the show, Sharma instead treated fans to a serene video showcasing her love for the monsoon. The actress, looking radiant without makeup, can be seen enjoying the windy weather while listening to Atif Aslam's soulful song "Darasal" from Raabta. This unexpected peek indeed has showcased a different side to the talented actress. Have a look! ‘Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin’: Netizens Are in Love With Rajat and Savi’s Cute Chemistry During ‘Dandiya Raas’ Sequence; Check Out Reactions!
Stills From Bhavika Sharma's Insta Story
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