The mini-sequel, of one of the most popular 90s romantic dramas, Four Weddings and A Funeral titled 'One Red Nose Day and a Wedding', which aired on BBC on Friday (March 15) as part of charity Comic Relief’s Red Nose Day fundraising efforts has taken the internet by the storm. The mini-sequel gave the original storyline one big twist and it was welcomed by everyone. In the mini-sequel, we saw the cast of the original film reunite after 25 years for the wedding of Carrie (Andie MacDowell) and Charles (Hugh Grant)’s daughter, played by Lily James, to the daughter of Fiona (Dame Kristen Scott Thomas), played by Alicia Vikander.

The ceremony was presided by the film's popular character Father Gerald (Rowan Atkinson). The mini-sequel is being hailed for its inclusivity message by portraying a lesbian wedding. Several Twitter users shared their views on the same stating that it was high time we showed more of the Queer community led stories. It’s Official! Queen Elizabeth Approves New Household for Prince Harry-Meghan Markle, the Sussexes Split From Prince William-Kate Middleton.

Take a look at the video:

The video was shot for Red Nose Day, which is a fundraising campaign run by the British non-profit organization Comic Relief. This year's charity show also saw a special clip of Netflix's Bodyguard starring Richard Madden. By the end of the end of the night, the charity raised over £63m from the viewers. Is Big Little Lies Fame Reese Witherspoon Pregnant Again? Actress’ Response to a Magazine Is a Must See.

Several celebrities were a part of promoting the Red Nose Day charity and urging viewers to Donate. In a special video, English Footballer David Beckham too raised money for the charity.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 17, 2019 05:23 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website