Salman Khan has definitely upped his social media game. The superstar has been sharing a lot of videos and pictures thereby giving his legion of fans a better peek into his life. In the latest video that he posted on his Instagram account, Salman can be seen taking dancing lessons from Prabhu Dheva, who is directing him in Dabangg 3, the upcoming third installment of the Dabangg franchise. And it's not just Salman, producer Sajid Nadiadwala and actor Kichcha Sudeep are also seen in the video and it's not hard to tell that they had a whale of time dancing on Prabhu's famous song, Urvasi.

We are sure the song brings back good memories for Prabhu, who choreographed the music video many many years back. The Tamil-language song is composed by AR Rahman for the 1994 film, Kadhalan. The immense national popularity of the song led to subsequent dubbed versions in Telugu and Hindi. Salman Khan Turns Producer for Pankaj Tripathi's Upcoming Film Kaagaz.

Check out Salman, Sajid, Prabhu and Kichcha dancing to Urvasi right here:


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Dance class from the master himself . . Prabhu Deva @kichchasudeepa @wardakhannadiadwala

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Talking about Salman and Prabhu's collab, this is the first tine that the latter is directing him in a movie. However, Prabhu has known Salman for quite sometime for he keeps accompanying him for the Da-Bangg Tour. Dabangg 3 also stars Sonakshi Sinha, who is reprising the role of Rajjo, wife of Salman's character, Chulbul Pandey, who is a police officer. While the first part was directed Abhinav Kashyap, the second one was helmed by Salman's brother, Arbaaz Khan, who also featured in the first two films as Makkhi Singh. Dabangg and Dabangg 2 also starred late Vinod Khanna, who played Prajapati Pandey. In the third part, Vinod's real brother, Pramod Khanna will play his part. Dabangg 3 is scheduled to hit the theatres in December this year.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 10, 2019 04:37 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website