Lucknow, August 13: In an unfortunate incident in Uttarakhand, a couple from Uttar Pradesh allegedly died by suicide after jumping into the Ganga in Haridwar. Police officials said that the husband and wife, who hailed from Saharanpur, were in debt and took a selfie before ending their lives. The alleged incident occurred on Friday, August 9, but came to light on Monday, August 12.
According to a report in the Times of India, the incident came to light when the body of the deceased man, identified as Saurabh Babbar (35), was found within the jurisdiction of Ranipur Kotwali. Officials said that Babbar was a jeweller. However, his wife continues to remain missing. Uttar Pradesh Shocker: Man Killed for Exposing Extramarital Affair in Gonda; Husband, Wife and Partner Arrested.
Before ending their life in Haridwar, the couple left a suicide note at their residence in Uttar Pradesh. The suicide note revealed that the couple took the drastic step due to their worse financial situation and mounting debts. The suicide note, which is now with police authorities, also stated that their two young children would be looked after by their grandmother.
The suicide note also revealed that the couple planned to take a selfie before ending their lives. Abhimanyu Manglik, the city's SP, said that family members informed them about the selfie on Sunday, August 11. The couple has been reported missing since Saturday, August 10. Uttar Pradesh Shocker: Woman Dies by Suicide Over Dowry Harassment and Fights Over ‘Habit of Making and Posting Reels on Instagram’.
Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Helpline Numbers:
Tele Manas (Ministry of Health) – 14416 or 1800 891 4416; NIMHANS – + 91 80 26995000 /5100 /5200 /5300 /5400; Peak Mind – 080-456 87786; Vandrevala Foundation – 9999 666 555; Arpita Suicide Prevention Helpline – 080-23655557; iCALL – 022-25521111 and 9152987821; COOJ Mental Health Foundation (COOJ) – 0832-2252525.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 13, 2024 09:38 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website