Telegram messaging app has reportedly stopped working for many users, especially across Eastern Europe. The official Twitter account for the instant messaging service tweeted that users were experiencing connection issues shortly before the app services were restored. Telegram messenger was not working for nearly an hour. Soon, users took to Twitter to report an outage with funny memes and hilarious reactions. According to Downdetector website, most users reported having issues with sending or receiving messages and server connection. Telegram messenger apologised for the inconvenience caused to users and noted that the outage was fixed. Telegram Soon to Enable Video Calling, Feature Added in App's Beta Version. 

Telegram is a cloud-based instant messaging video telephony and voice over IP service with end-to-end encryption for secret chat, only. The apps are available for Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows, macOS and GNU/Linux and originated in Russia in 2013. The users can send messages, and exchange photos, videos, stickers, audio and files of any type. Users in Europe was reportedly facing issues browsing the app. DownDetector noted that the most problems being faced by the users are sending or receiving messages and server connection. ‘I Have a Joke On’ Meme Template Is So Good and These 18 Funny Memes and Jokes Are a Proof of It!

Telegram is Down?

Telegram Not Working

Who Else Facing Issue?


Who Did It?


Telegram took to Twitter and stated that the issue is being resolved. “Some of our users in Eastern Europe could have experienced connection issues in the last 45 minutes. Everything should be fine now, sorry for the inconvenience.”

Telegram Took to Twitter:

This is not the first time when the online messenger app went down. In June this year, Telegram experienced an outage that interrupted users to send and receive messages on all its platforms, including mobile and app. Issues ranged from server connections to sending and receiving of messages as well as some glitches on login into the service.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 25, 2020 05:30 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website