Actor Riteish Deshmukh, on Tuesday, took a stroll down memory lane and reminisced about shooting for his film 'Zameen' in his hometown Latur, Maharashtra. For the unversed, 'Zameen', which was directed by Rohit Shetty, also featured actors Ajay Devgn, Abhishek Bachchan and Bipasha Basu among others. Recalling memories from the sets of the film, Riteish wrote, "it's was @itsrohitshetty's first film -shot in my hometown Latur. Still remember many fun post-pack-up evenings. AB's favourite Dal Balti that he ordered every evening." Friendship Day 2019: From Bharat to Taare Zameen Par, 5 Movies That Ended Friendships between Celebs.

He also shared a throwback picture of him sharing smiles with Ajay and Abhishek at Latur Airport. "Throwback: 2003, Latur Airport, Film: Zameen. @ajaydevgn @bachchan #amitdeshmukh," Riteish added. Children’s Day 2019 Special: Bollywood Movies to Watch With Your Kids on Bal Divas.

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Speaking about his upcoming projects, Riteish is all set to make his digital debut with Netflix's 'Plan A Plan B', co-starring Tamannaah Bhatia.

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