Madurai, June 6: A youth from Madurai was arrested for allegedly cutting a cake with a sword during his 19th birthday party, the police said on Thursday. Officials said that the incident came to light after a video of the incident went viral on social media, and on the basis of which the action was taken. According to police sources, Gurudarshan, a resident of Katrapalayam, Madurai, was celebrating his 19th birthday with friends near the bridge near the Periyar bus stand on Monday. Lucknow Boy Cuts Birthday Cake With Sword On Middle of Road, Video Goes Viral.
During the celebration, he put on a flower garland and cut the birthday cake with a sword. Meanwhile, the cake-cutting moment was captured on video by his friends, which later went viral after uploading social media pages, prompting police action. Mumbai Shocker: Man Cuts Birthday Cakes With Sword in Borivali, Video Goes Viral.
Madurai Thideer Nagar police booked the youth under Section 336 of the IPC and Section 25 (1) (A) of the Arms Act for possession of prohibited weapons, the police said.
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