Actor Shreyas Talpade on Friday travelled to Goa to shoot for his next film Manu Aur Munni Ki Shaadi. Shreyas took to Instagram Story to share a beautiful video shot on his way to Goa. The video has the evergreen Kishore Kumar number "Chalaa jaata hoon" playing in the background. Sharing the video, the actor wrote: "Travelling in the times of covid be strenuous, but then there are these beautiful houses and these beautiful fields ... Goa you are welcoming as always." Shreyas Talpade Launches His OTT Platform Nine Rasa for Theatre and Performing Arts in Multiple Languages (Watch Video).

Shreyas will be shooting for his upcoming film "Manu Aur Munni Ki Shaadi" in Goa. The film directed by Deepak Sisodia talks about the problems a guy might face while trying to get married. Despite repeated failures, he believes that he will get his partner soon. Shreyas Talpade Speaks Up About His Upcoming Teleplay That Has a Strong Social Message.

The film, which showcases different flavours of relationships between a father-son, mother-son, friendship, love, sacrifice and cooperation, has been partially shot in Pushkar, Rajasthan, before moving to Goa for the next schedule. Meanwhile, Shreyas Talpade recently launched his OTT platform Nine Rasa, dedicated to performances related to the stage.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 16, 2021 10:44 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website