A dramatic encounter between two dogs and two Asiatic lions in Gujarat's Amreli district has gone viral after CCTV footage of the incident surfaced on social media. The confrontation took place late Sunday night in the Savar Kundla area when the lions approached the gate of a house. The video shows the lions coming face-to-face with two dogs on the other side of the gate, leading to a tense face-off. The lions slammed against the iron gate separating them from the dogs, but after a brief standoff, they retreated into nearby bushes. A man later came out to investigate the commotion, using a torch to search for the lions. However, after failing to spot them, he returned inside and securely locked the gate. The lions are believed to have strayed from a nearby reserve forest. Authorities have not yet released an official statement regarding the incident. Gujarat: Street Dogs Chase Lion in Somnath Gir Village, CCTV Footage Goes Viral.
Dogs vs Lions in Gujarat
Watch | A viral video from Thoradi village in Savarkundla, Amreli, captures a confrontation between two dogs and two lions. The footage reveals that an iron gate was the sole barrier preventing the situation from intensifying. pic.twitter.com/R4Sel42mJ5
— DeshGujarat (@DeshGujarat) August 14, 2024
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